SBP-BRiMS 2017: International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling & Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation
2017-03-01 Extended
Washington DC, USA
浏览: 8138   关注: 2   参加: 0

Submissions are solicited on research issues, theories, and applications. Topics of interests include the following:

Advances in Sociocultural & Behavioral Processes
* Group interaction and collaboration
* Group formation and evolution
* Group representation and profiling
* Collective action and governance
* Cultural patterns & representation
* Social conventions, social contexts and processes
* Influence process and recognition
* Public opinion representation, identification and modeling
* Information diffusion
* Psycho-cultural situation awareness

Behavior Modeling
* Intelligent agents and avatars/adversarial modeling
* Cognitive robotics and human-robot interaction
* Models of reasoning and decision making
* Model validation & comparison
* Socio-cultural M&S: team/group/crowd/behavior
* Physical models of human movement
* Performance assessment & skill monitoring/tracking
* Performance predicition/enhancement/optimization
* Intelligent tutoring systems
* Knowledge acquisition/engineering
* Human behavior issues in model federations

Methodological Challenges
* Mathematical foundations
* Verification and validation
* Sensitivity analysis
* Matching technique or method to research questions
* Metrics and evaluation
* Methodological innovation
* Model federation and integration
* Evolutionary computing
* Optimization

Information, Systems, & Network Science
* Data mining on social media platforms
* Diffusion and other dynamic processes over networks
* Inference of network topologies and changes over time
* Analysis of link formations and link types
* Detection of communities and other types of structures in networks
* Analysis of high-dimensional networks
* Analytics for social and human dynamics

Military & Intelligence Applications
* Evaluation, modeling and simulation
* Group formation and evolution in the political context
* Technology and flash crowds
* Networks and political influence
* Group representation and profiling
* Reasoning about terrorist group behaviors and policies towards them

Applications for Health and Well-being
* Social network analysis to understand health behavior
* Modeling of health policy and decision making
* Modeling of behavioral aspects of infectious disease spread
* Intervention design and modeling for behavioral health

Other Applications
* Economic applications of behavioral and social prediction
* Viral marketing
* Reasoning about development aid through social modeling
* Reasoning about global educational efforts through cognitive simulation
最后更新 Dou Sun 在 2017-02-26